Wednesday 22 January 2014

Word Study Activities

Every Friday students will begin to receive a word list with 10 words used to complete word skill activities at home.  These activities will help to reinforce word study concepts taught in the classroom.

Word study differs from spelling in that it looks at "how" words work, instead of relying soley on rote memorization of words.  The words selected for the list are based on various subjects currently under study in the class.  These could include content areas such as Social Studies or Science, core subjects such as Math and Language, and any other words students are repeatedly exposed to, such as those found in Anchor Charts or reading materials.

Students are required to complete the weekly activity in their Word Skills Notebook.  The first few activities will run from January 24 until January 30.  All activities are due on the following Thursday and a new set of words will be posted on the Friday.  However, there may be times in which students may need further work with the same word list to help consolidate their understanding of the word patterns.  In this case, further activities will be assigned for students to complete with the same set of words.

Happy Word Working!!