Friday 28 February 2014

Word Study Activity - February 28

Use the following link to review the parts of speech.  Pay special attention to the section on ADVERBS.  A ninth part of speech has been added: ARTICLES.

You can also replay the parts of speech rap song for further review. 

We will focus on all the parts of speech for this week.

This week's WORD LIST and ACTIVITIES - DUE DATE: March 6

1.   multipy
2.   partner
3.   Canada
4.   array
5.   export
6.   economy
7.   divide
8.   conversion
9.   domestic
10. family

Here is a link to a game you can play to review some of the parts of speech.

Word Activity 5: Silly Sentences
Step 1: Get out your word study notebook!

From Cogan Nursery School
Step 2:  Use each word from the word list to create a silly sounding sentence that includes all the parts of speech.  Identify each part of speech in the sentence.

Here's an example: 

Man, sometimes I wish my friend sat on an orange and blue array !

Man - Interjection    sometimes - adverb     

I/my - pronoun         on - preposition            could - verb              wish - verb      

sat- verb          orange/blue - adjective        and - conjuction      friend/array - noun

Step 3:  Choose one of your sentences to illustrate.  This can be done right in your notebook.  Put lots of effort into it and make it as funny as possible!!

Sounds simple, but this will be challenging.  Good luck!

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