Tuesday 3 June 2014

Living in Space

This will be assigned and worked on in class on Friday. If you wish to take a look at these links before Friday you are more than welcome!

Living in Space

You are working for a news channel as a journalist, your boss has asked you to create a quick clip (30 seconds) on one of these topics. The topic has to be quick and concise and you have to choose the most important information to share about the topic.

The turnaround time for this clip is quick just like in the news. You will report on it as of Tuesday June 10, 2014. Be sure to research quickly and get the most important information for your clip. You will be presenting this clip to the class.

You can choose the topic you wish to research. You do not have to stick to what I have listed but it at least it is a start.

Eating in Space


Personal Hygiene





Staying cool in space




Living in Space


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